
Right: Some older motorists claim that more frequent testing is age discrimination. However, there are many who simply take the tests and, like this NSW woman of 93, pass with flying colours. (Photo: Illawarra Mercury)

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Arguments against greater restrictions being placed on elderly drivers

1. Elderly drivers are not involved in a larger number of accidents
It has been claimed that elderly drivers are involved in few fatal road accidents. For example, statistics from Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads show that while there are a larger number of older drivers on Queensland's roads, they are involved in a declining number of fatal road accidents.
In 2010, of Queensland's 3.2 million drivers, 144,575 (4.5 per cent) are aged 75 years or above. The number of Queensland drivers aged 75 or older has increased from 137,873 in 2008 to 144,575 in 2010, an increase of 6702. Despite increasing numbers of elderly drivers, they were involved in fewer fatal accidents; 23 in 2008 down to 11 in 2010.
National Australian figures reflect the Queensland statistics. Older drivers are under-represented in fatality rates, for example, the fatality rate for drivers aged 80 years and over is 5.7 while for drivers aged 17 years to 24 years it is 10.7.
In Tasmania older drivers are involved in fewer fatality and serious casualty injury crash rates than any other age group.
Again referring to national figures, for older drivers the total fatality road trauma costs are around 10 times less than for drivers aged 17 - 20 years or 12 times less than for the 21 - 25 years age group.
The Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB) advises that drivers aged 20 years or under have the highest number of claims per 1000 licences. These claims are across all categories (includes passengers and pedestrians) and all injuries. The ratio declines progressively to the 61-70 years age group and then increases for the 71 years and over age group. These claims are due to the fragility factor (that is, older drivers' frailty means they tend to be more seriously injured in any accident in which they are involved) so older people's injuries are more severe and it takes longer for them to recover.
Not only is the older drivers' crash risk lower than other age groups, but as they age it is less likely their mortality is linked to a car crash. For the 75 years or more age group, the number of car-related deaths is too small to register statistically and is only a minute proportion of the total cause of deaths occurring in old persons.
The West Australian Transport Minister, Troy Buswell, has stated in relation to his state's relaxed restrictions on older drivers, 'Given the ageing population, the state government is changing the regulations to lessen the unjustified imposition on senior drivers as well as the health system.'

2. Older drivers avoid risk-taking behaviour
Repeated studies have found that elderly drivers do not only avoid conventional risk-taking behaviours, such as speeding, they also recognised their diminished capacities and regulate their driving behaviours accordingly.
Older drivers are under-represented in crashes involving loss of control or collisions due to speeding, risky overtaking or driving under the influence of alcohol. This suggests that they are more aware of the risks that are associated with speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol, and are also more willing to avoid these kinds of risk-taking behaviour.
It has also been noted that many older drivers are aware that their reaction times etcetera may be slower and their vision less acute than they once were and they modify their driving behaviour accordingly. A United State's study concluded, 'per capita crash rates for older people are low because older drivers self-regulate; they avoid congested areas, left turns, night time driving, unfamiliar roads, and freeways.' The same study concluded, 'There is substantial evidence that today's older drivers are more careful, more experienced, and have better coping skills than comparable people just a few decades ago.'
Tasmanian studies have similarly determined that older drivers limit their risk-taking behaviour. Tasmanian authorities have noted, 'Older drivers' crash risk is mitigated by older drivers making behaviour change as they reduce their exposure to risk by driving less, making shorter trips, driving in less traffic volumes, in good driving conditions, in low speed zones and choose less hazardous roads etc. They also drive less distance and often. As older drivers generally don't work and have less commitments they have a greater opportunity to choose when they drive (for example, choose to drive during non-busy times).'
Tasmanian studies have further concluded, 'As a group older drivers do not generally engage in risk-taking behaviour.
"The diminishing desire for excitement and sensation when getting older possibly plays a role. In keeping with this, older people, on average, less often drink-drive than younger adults and generally obey traffic rules more frequently".'

3. Older drivers are the victims of discrimination and media stereotyping
It has been claimed that the Australian media frequently stereotypes older drivers as 'bad', 'hazardous' and 'dangerous'.
In 2008 three researchers from the Queensland University of Technology conducted a survey of media representations of elderly drivers involved in two high profile collisions that resulted in serious injuries to a child. The researchers concluded, 'This
[study] reveals the media's stereotyping of the older road users as being irresponsible, or childlike, which typically results in calls for greater paternalist measures (i.e. doctor's being called upon to report older drivers with medical problems). A separate, but closely situated concept... reveal[s] that "solutions" from the media involve either state-based policy changes [or] more punitive and legislative interventions...'
The study concluded that ethical guidelines are required which sensitise marketers and policymakers to flawed portrayals of the elderly as a strategy to eliminating negative stereotypes of older road users. Thus is seems that many of the demands that elderly drivers face greater restrictions are based on misleading stereotypes of these drivers promoted within the media.
The media's negative representation of older divers is also said to be reflected in popular attitudes and government policies. The recent relaxation of restrictions on older drivers in Tasmanian was taken in response to the state's belief that its former regulations were discriminatory. In justifying it new regulations the government stated, 'A recent review of the older driver licensing system in Tasmania was conducted, in response to a report by the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner claiming that compulsory aged-based driving assessments were discriminatory.
The review showed that older drivers are not a major road safety problem in Tasmania and not over-represented in crash statistics. Normal ageing does not increase crash risk as older drivers generally regulate their own diving and compensate for any gradual decline in driving abilities.'

4. Mobility and independence are very important to older drivers
It has been noted that mobility and independence are extremely important for the elderly. It has been acknowledged that elderly men and women have particular transport needs that driving a car enable them to meet.
Driving allows the elderly to continue to keep in contact with family and friends and to pursue hobbies and interests that are conducted outside the home. As such it is a valuable means of overcoming the isolation that can easily afflict those who have ceased to work and whose children have left home.
Driving also enables the elderly to more easily have their health needs meet. They can more easily attend doctor's appointments, make hospital visits, have medical tests done, collect results and have prescriptions filled.
The Australian government's seniors Internet page states, 'Continuing to drive has a number of benefits:
Social interaction is easier as you can drive to club events and social gatherings etc.
The independence of not having to rely on friends and family to go on short trips for shopping etc.
The entertainment value of getting out and about rather than being stuck in your residence all the time.'
A 2006 Monash University study concluded that the ability to travel is associated with freedom, activity and choice and driving offers an important mobility option for most elderly. Ceasing to be able to drive is linked to an increase in depressive symptoms and a decline in out-of-home activity levels and community involvement. Further, for at least some people, the same health conditions and functional impairments that may have contributed to a loss of driving rights will also limit access to other transport options.

5. There are more effective ways of detecting dangerous older drivers than blanket tests and restrictions
It has regularly been noted that driving tests applied to elderly drivers often succeed in removing some older drivers from the road; however, they are not well-targeted as the drivers disqualified are not necessarily a road hazard. Elderly drivers are frequently intimidated by poorly conducted tests conducted in testers' vehicles and perform far less well than they would under more normal conditions in their own cars. Thus the drivers removed from the road are often not those whose limited driving competence makes this the most appropriate option.
The United States and Australia have developed and are currently testing model programs that individual states could adopt to increase the cost-effectiveness and equity of their licensing approaches.
The model is a two-tier program with initial screening processes based on behaviour rather than age or appearance; they are designed to be easily, cheaply, and uniformly applied to drivers required to undergo evaluation. The first-tier tests can identify those older people who can continue to drive safely, those who might benefit from additional in-car driving training, and those who require additional screening or evaluation.
Then appropriate-and more detailed and expensive-tests are applied to those requiring additional evaluation; the outcome of the second-tier testing could be removal of the license, restrictions on the license, or mandatory retraining to keep the license.