
Below:On February 20, 2012, Channel 7 News carried a report dealing with the situation of elderly drivers following an incident in which an 80-year-old man drove his car towing a caravan the wrong way on the Westgate Freeway.

Below: On February 20, 2012, Channel 7’s current affairs program, Today Tonight, televised a segment dealing with compulsory tests for elderly drivers. The segment was prompted by an incident involving an 80-year-old travelling the wrong way through the Melbourne CBD. .

Below: On January 11, 2012, Dave Melton, Managing Director for Global Road Safety for Liberty Mutual Insurance and Katherine Freund, President and Executive Director of ITN America, were recorded discussing some of the issues surrounding senior driving. .

Below: On January 31, 2011, KRQE, Albuquerque & New Mexico News, reported on a New Mexico senator’s call for all senior drivers to have to take regular reflex and other tests in order to retain their driving licenses.

Web links, documents

In 1994 a team of Yale University School of Medicine researchers undertook a wide-ranging data analysis survey with follow-up study to determine the physiological conditions which seemed to be predictors of motor vehicle accidents among the elderly. Their study can be read in full at http://www.annals.org/content/121/11/842.full.pdf+html

In 1997, the Medical Journal of Australia published a study by Peter Lipski titled, 'Driving and dementia; a cause for concern'. Dr Lipski is part of the Central Coast Area Health Service, Gosford, New South Wales and is a Staff Specialist Geriatrician.
The study details the effects of dementia on driving competence and details the inadequate screening and regulatory practices that operate in Australia. It makes some recommendations for reform. The full text of this study can be found at http://www.mja.com.au/public/issues/oct20/lipski/lipski.html#suba1

In April 2004, the ABC carried a report of the discriminatory treatment many elderly drivers believe they receive. A full text of this report can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/stateline/vic/content/2003/s1080118.htm

In 2006, Monash University's Accident Research Centre released a report titled, 'The Elderly and Mobility: A Review of the Literature'. The review looks at the impacts of reduced mobility on the elderly. The full text of this review can be found at http://www.monash.edu.au/miri/research/reports/muarc255.pdf

In 2008, Ingrid Larkin, Josephine Previte and Edwina Luck produced a media analysis titled, 'Get off our roads Magoo: Are elderly drivers entitled to drive on our roads?' It was published in 'Proceedings Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academic Conference (ANZMAC) 2008, Sydney, Australia.'
The study concludes that the Australian media typically depicts elderly drivers in a negative manner.
The full text of the study can be found at http://eprints.qut.edu.au/15466/1/15466.pdf

In May, 2010, it was proposed that Victorian drivers over 85 should be required to affix an 'S-plate' for senior driver to their vehicles. The proposal has met with reservations because there are those who fear that elderly drivers will be victimised.
The full text of this report can be found at http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/s-plate-could-put-clamps-on-gramps-20100501-u0de.html

On August 26, 2011, ABC News carried a report of the Tasmanian government's decision to remove compulsory driving tests for motorists over the age of 85. the full text of this report can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-08-26/20110826-tests-for-older-drivers-axed/2856646

On September 26, 2011, inmycommunity.com.au reported on changes in West Australian regulations regarding elderly drivers. West Australian seniors aged 75 and 78 will no longer require a medical assessment to renew their drivers licence, following recognition that the current requirement is not justified by road safety research. The full text of this report can be found at http://www.inmycommunity.com.au/news-and-views/local-news/Rules-relaxed-for-elderly-drivers/7603187//

On December 4, 2012, The Sunday Telegraph published an opinion piece by David Penberthy titled, 'Too many elderly drivers are on the road with a licence to kill'.
The full text of this comment can be found at http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/too-many-elderly-drivers-are-on-the-road-with-a-licence-to-kill/story-e6frezz0-1226213012863

On December 16, 2011, The Adelaide Advertiser carried a report on a new mental function test that has been developed to help gauge the competence of elderly drivers. The full text of this report can be found at http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/the-amazing-test-for-older-drivers/story-e6frea83-1226223354134

On February 19, 2012, Channel 9 News televised a report dealing with an 80-year-old driver who travelled the wrong way over the West Gate Bridge and the Domain Tunnel. The video report and a transcript can be accessed at http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8422173/man-drives-12km-wrong-way-in-melbourne

On February 20, 2012, 3AW Radio broadcast a segment on elderly drivers and the hazard they might represent on the road. This can be accessed at `http://www.3aw.com.au/blogs/breaking-news-blog/elderly-a-hazard-on-our-roads/20120220-1thvb.html

On February 26, 2012, The Herald Sun carried a report of elderly drivers' efforts to retain their licences. The full text of this report can be found at http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/national/seniors-fight-push-for-elderly-drivers-to-hand-licences-in/story-e6frea8c-1226275305397