Below: During the 2014 Australian Open, produced a video segment explaining the supports that were available to players to help them deal with the heat. It also gives some detail on the operation of the extreme heat policy.
Below: On January 14, 2014, the BBC ran a report on the heat conditions at the Australian Open.
Below: ESPN Sports Science released a two minute report on the effects of extreme heat on tennis players, the balls and the racquets.
Below: On January 16, 2014, ESPN interviewed the tournament director of the Australian Open on what lies behind the decision to invoke the extreme heat policy.
Below: British player Andy Murray commenting on heat issues at the Australian Open.
Web links, documents
On January 12, 2013, The Age ran a report on the economic and tourism benefits enjoyed by Melbourne as a result of hosting The Australian open. The piece is titled 'Melbourne's smash hit' and can be accessed at
On January 14, 2014, The Chicago Sun-Times reported on the extreme heat being endured during the second day of play at the Australian Open. The report was written by Douglas Robson and is titled 'Fainting, vomiting at Australian Open as temps reach 108 degrees'.
The full text of the report can be accessed at
On January 14, 2014, BBC Sport News reported on the extreme heat being endured during the second day of play at the Australian Open. The report was written by Russell Fuller and is titled 'Australian Open 2014: Dancevic complains of "inhumane" treatment'. The report which includes some analysis and comment can be accessed at
On January 15, 2014, the United States sports report, The Bleacher Report, published a comment titled, 'Australian Open 2014: Why Grand Slam Tournaments Need to Be Rescheduled' which argued that because of regularly adverse weather conditions all the grand slam titles should be held at different times of the year.
The full text of this comment can be accessed at
On January 15, 2014, The Guardian published a comment by Kevin Mitchell arguing that extreme temperatures were to be expected at The Australian Open and players needed to be able to deal with them.
The title of the comment is 'Tennis is tough, and heat at the Australian Open is part of that'
The full text of this comment can be accessed at
The Science of Sport is a specialised Internet site dedicated to supplying the science behind a range of issues in contemporary sport.
On January 16, 2014, The Science of Sport published an article by Dr Ross Tucker titled 'Melting in Melbourne: Thoughts on the heat' The report looks at the physiological effects of heat on athletes and how these can be dealt with.
The full text of the report can be accessed at
On January 16, 2014, BBC News published a health report by Philippa Roxby, the BBC health reporter, titled 'Too hot for tennis? The impact of heat on players'.
The report examines in some detail the physical effects of heat on athletes and suggests how these can be countered.
The full report can be accessed at
On January 16, 2014, BBC Sport News published a report titled 'Australian Open: Medical officer defends extreme heat policy'. The report details a range of player criticisms and Tom Wood's defence of the decision to continue play.
The full text of this report can be accessed at
On January 16, 2014, The Conversation published a specialist report on the effects of heat on the human body, especially the bodies of elite tennis players.
The piece is titled 'How heat can make your body melt down from the inside out' and was written by Donna Green, a senior lecturer and researcher at the Climate Change Research Centre,
The full text can be accessed at
On January 16, 2014, BBC Sport News ran a report titled 'Australian Open: The challenges of playing in 40C heat'
The report looks at the physical stresses created by playing in extreme heat and how they can be minimised.
The full text of the report can be accessed at
On January 17, 2014, The Roar published an opinion piece by Adam Julian titled 'Should the Australian Open move out of the summer heat?'
The comment presents arguments for and against a change in the time when the Australian Open is held.
The full text of this comment can be found at