Video Information

Below: On April 8, 2014, the Jewish News televised a series of vox pops giving a range of opinions on the proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act.

Below: On March 12, 2014, the ABC’s current affairs program, The Drum, televised an interview with Chris Berg, a Research Fellow with the Institute of Public Affairs, in which he argues that the current provisions of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act need to be amended.

Below: On March 12, 2014, the ABC’s Lateline program ran an interview with, Warren Mundine, the Indigenous Affairs Advisor to the Abbott Government. Mr Mundine argues that racial harmony within Australia could be damaged if section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act were repealed.

Below: On March 26, 2014, Penny Wong, the leader of the Opposition in the Senate, gave a speech within the Senate in which she challenged Attorney General George Brandis’s previous statement that ‘People do have the right to be bigots’

Below: On November 22, 2012, the ABC’s current affairs program 7.30 ran a report on the case brought against Herald Sun commentator Andrew Bolt under sections 18C and 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act. The report supplies interesting background on the initial formulation of those sections in 1995.

Web links, documents

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, issued by the United Nations in 1948, can be accessed at

On September 29, 2011, The Punch published an opinion piece by Bill Rowlings titled 'Bolt case shows need for more free speech, not less'. The comment argues that the answer to racially bigoted speech is not prohibition, but further argument.
The full text of this comment can be found at

The ABC has prepared explanatory information on the proposed amendments to the Racial Discrimination Act. The information is embedded in the ABC site and includes the amendments themselves (which have been inserted into the current Act). The amendments are highlighted. If you click on the highlighted section further explanation is provided.
To view all proposed amendments you will need to scroll down the text in the embedded text box. The down arrow on the right-hand side of the box can be used for this purpose.
This information can be accessed at

On September 17, 2013, Dr Tim Soutphommasane, Australia's Race Discrimination Commissioner, delivered the 2014 Peace and Understanding lecture. The speech focused on multiculturalism and racism in Australia and considered the current debate seeking to allow bigotry as part of free speech. The commissioner contends that Australia should not alter its Racial Discrimination Act in the manner proposed.
The full text of the speech can be accessed at

On November 22, 2013, The Conversation published a comment by the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs. The comment is titled 'Why racial hatred laws are vital to Australian multiculturalism'
Professor Triggs argues against reducing the scope of Australia's Racial Discrimination Act.
The full text can be accessed at

On November 22, 2013, The Stringer published a comment by Gerry Georgatos titled 'Destroying 18C will give rise to "race hate"'. Georgatos argues that reducing the scope of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act will lead to less tolerant and a more racially abusive Australia.
The full text of this argument can be accessed at

On March 3, 2014, Dr Tim Soutphommasane, Australia's Race Discrimination Commissioner, delivered the Alice Tay lecture in Law and Human Rights. The lecture was titled 'Two freedoms: freedom of expression and freedom from racial vilification'.
In the lecture Dr Soutphommasane argues that the Racial Discrimination Act as it currently stands has performed a valuable function and that Australia would be unwise to amend it in the way proposed.
The full text of this speech can be found at

On March 3, 2014, The Conversation published a report by Michelle Grattan indicating that there were differences of opinion within the Australian Human Rights Commission over whether section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act should be amended or repealed.
The full text of this report can be found at

On March 17, 2014, The Conversation published a preliminary report on a survey of over two thousand Internet users, which found that only ten percent believed it should be possible to vilify a person or group without legal restriction or penalty.
The full text of this report can be found at

On March 20, 2014, Crikey published a comment by its political editor, Bernard Keane, titled 'Racial vilification: why defenders of section 18C fail'. Keane argues that section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act should be removed because it is too open to subjective interpretation.
The full text of this comment can be accessed at

On March 24, 2014, ABC News ran a report on the Attorney-General, Senator George Brandis, asserting that freedom of speech meant that Australians had the right to express bigoted remarks.
The full text of this report can be accessed at

On March 25, 2014, Crikey published a report and an analysis detailing Senator Brandis's proposed amendments to the Racial Discrimination Act. The full text of this document can be accessed at

On March 25, 2014, the Institute of Public Affairs issued a media release titled 'Abbott government's changes to Racial Discrimination Act a win for freedom of speech'
The media release defends the proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act.
It can be downloaded from

On March 26, 2014, ABC Radio transmitted the opinion of the shadow foreign affairs minister, Tanya, Plibersek, that the proposed amendments to the Racial Discrimination Act would allow Holocaust deniers to express their views with impunity.
A recording of Ms Plibersek's comments can be accessed at

On April 9, 2014, the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs addressed the National Press Club on the freedom wars and human rights in Australia.
Professor Triggs defended the current provisions of the Racial Discrimination Act.
The full text of Professor Triggs's speech can be accessed at

On April 11, 2014, the ABC opinion site The Drum published a comment by Rachel Ball titled 'Who's afraid of anti-discrimination laws?' Ms Ball is director of advocacy and campaigns at the Human Rights Law Centre
The piece argues that pitting freedom of speech against freedom from discrimination will only serve to promote the latter. It explains why legal protections against discrimination are necessary.
The full text of this comment can be accessed at