
Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline

(see also the Web Links / Internet Information section)

NOTE: Items indexed from The Age are often syndicated in other Fairfax newspapers. Thus, the hyperlink below an Age item may lead to the same item on another Fairfax publication's website.

The Australian:  October 11, 2014, page 18, comment by Adam Creighton, `A strong case for cutting company tax'.

The Australian:  October 10, 2014, page 1, background by Peter van Onselen, `The first rule of states' rights club: don't talk publicly about GST reform'.

The Age:  October 10, 2014, page 29, comment by Mark Zirnsak, `Wanted: more corporate transparency on tax'.

The Australian:  November 1, 2014, page 22, comment by Peter van Onselen, `Case for broader, higher consumption tax is compelling'.

The Australian:  October 30, page 12, comment by David Uren, `Abbott right to lead on GST'.

The Age:  December 2, 2014, page 6, news item by N Khadem, `Lobbyist: Tax rich loopholes to justify GST hike'.

The Age:  January 6, 2015, page 5, news item by Hutchens and Heffernan, `Federal government could raise $6 billion from GST on fresh food'.