2015/10: Should drivers be banned from using all forms of mobile phone while operating their vehicles?

Introduction to the media issue

Video clip at right:
In November 2012, Al Jazeera English reported that NSW had legislated to forbid drivers to have any contact with a mobile phone while driving. If you cannot see this clip, it will be because video is blocked by your network. To view the clip, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows viewing of video clips.

What they said...
'The ban would...send a clear message to drivers that "driving is for driving" - not for chatting, organising social events, holding business meetings, texting, reading, or any of the diverse in-vehicle activities that can divert attention and affect safe driving'
Ian J. Faulks, Honorary Associate in Psychology and Julia Irwin, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Director of Undergraduate Studies in Psychology at Macquarie University

'If you look at a lot of the stories in the media, you would believe there is an epidemic related to driver distraction. But in fact crash rates have been declining for well over a decade (yet) over the same period of time the number of (mobile phones) has increased exponentially'
Jeff Greenberg, Ford's senior technical leader for 'human machine interface'

The issue at a glance
On May 20, 2015, the results of the most recent Volvo Safety Index were released.
More than 90 per cent of the 1570 Victorian licensed drivers surveyed agreed mobile phone use reduced motorists' reaction times, while 81 per cent believed it caused more crashes.
An outright ban on drivers using phones in cars - even with a hands-free device - was backed by 43 per cent of the Victoria's motorists.
This was a view shared by 38 per cent of motorists in Queensland, 31 per cent in South Australia and 30 per cent in New South Wales.
The question of whether all these devices should be banned for drivers has been addressed by a number of state government committees.
To this point a ban has been placed on the use of hand-held devices, while learner driver and P1 drivers are permitted to use neither a hand-held nor a hands-free mobile phone when driving. All other drivers may use a hands-free device while operating a vehicle.