Video Information

Below: On December 27, 2011, Voice of America reported a call from the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States for all motorists to turn off all cell phones while driving. The board, charged with determining the cause of transportation accidents, asked every American state to ban the use of personal electronic devices in cars.

Below: In 2011 Sunnybrook Hospital in Canada produced a warning on the dangers of texting while driving.

Below: A 2007 British road safety ad warning of the dangers of mobile phone use.

Below: A video produced by the University of Kansas (KU) in 2010 interviewed Paul Atchley, associate professor of psychology, who has studied texting while driving. In a survey of KU students, Professor Atchely found that only two percent of respondents report not texting and driving at all.

Web links, documents

On May 20, 2015, The Courier Mail published a news report titled, 'Mobile phone bans for drivers won't work, says AMTA'
The report featured the views of the chief executive officer of the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association, Mr Chris Althaus, who argued that such a ban would be unenforceable and may increase the risk of accidents.
The full text can be accessed at

On May 20, 2015, The Brisbane Times reported that Queensland drivers caught using their mobile phones twice or more during a year will face a double demerit point penalty. The increased penalties are part of a number of strategies being employed in Queensland to reduce the hazardous use of mobile phones by drivers in that state.
The full text of this report can be accessed at

On May 13, 2015, released a report titled 'Car safety expert controversially claims mobile phones are NOT causing crashes'
The report referred to claims made by Jeff Greenberg, Ford's senior technical leader for 'human machine interface' that there was no conclusive data demonstrating that enforcement of 'no mobile phone' laws reduced accident rates.
The full text can be accessed at

On February 26, 2015, The Daily Mail published a report titled, 'More than 500,000 motorists are STILL driving while using their mobile phones - and the numbers are increasing'
The report details statistics showing an increase in the illegal use of mobile phones by British drivers.
The full report can be accessed at

In October 2014, The Centre for Accident and Road Safety Research - Queensland produced a report titled 'State of the Road - mobile phone use & distraction while driving'
The report details a series of studies on the importance of undivided attention for safe driving and also summarises research on increasing mobile phone use by drivers and its effects.
The report can be accessed at

On November 22, 2013, The Conversation published a comment by Ian J. Faulks, Honorary Associate in Psychology at Macquarie University and Julia Irwin, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Director of Undergraduate Studies in Psychology at Macquarie University. The article is titled 'Is it time to ban hands-free mobile phones while driving?'
The article considers the recent evidence suggesting the extent of the risk represented by mobile phone use and concludes that a ban, though difficult to enforce, would be worthwhile.
The full text can be accessed at

On April 27, 2012, The Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association made a submission to the New South Wales Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety's Inquiry into Driver and Road User Distraction.
The Association essentially argued that the extent of the threat represented by mobile phone use had been exaggerated.
The full text of the submission can be accessed at$FILE/Submission%2031%20-%20Australian%20Mobile%20Telecommunications%20Association.PDF

On November 6, 2012, the ABC opinion site, The Drum, published an opinion piece by Chris Berg titled, 'Grandstanding about mobiles won't reduce the road toll'
Chris Berg, a Research Fellow with the Institute of Public Affairs, argued that a ban on mobile phones exaggerates the danger these devices represent and would be unenforceable.
The full text of this comment can be accessed at

On July 3, 2012, Gizmag published an article titled 'Ford developing biometric systems to manage "driver workload"'
The piece reports on developments being made at Ford in human machine interface, whereby the car's communications system, including its inbuilt mobile phone and music system will respond to external road conditions and the physiological state of the driver to reduce in-vehicle distractions where appropriate.
The full article can be accessed at

On December 16, 2011, The Huffington Post published an article by Mark Sedensky titled, 'Cellphone Ban in Cars Could Be "Impossible" To Enforce According To Law Enforcement'
Sedensky considers the extent to which a total ban on mobile phone use by drivers would be enforceable.
The full text of this report can be found at

On July 21, 2010, the ABC's Health & Wellbeing segment considered the question 'Can you drive safely and talk on a hands-free mobile phone?' The program concluded, 'No, using your mobile in any way while driving increases your risk of an accident.'
The program draws on the research of Professor Mark Stevenson, senior director at The George Institute at the University of Sydney. Professor Stevenson was about to be appointed to the Accident Research Centre at Monash University.
The full text of the program can be accessed at

Keep Your Eyes on the Road Org. Australia has produced an information brochure disputing the supposed impact of mobile phone use on the incidence of road accidents. These claims are supported by a range of Australian and overseas research.
The full text can be accessed at

Vic Roads has a section of its Internet site given over to warning drivers of the hazards associated with mobile phone use while driving. This information can be accessed at