2016/22: Should South Australia become the site of an international nuclear waste storage facility?
Introduction to the media issue
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On February 15, 2016, Channel 9 News reported on the release of the South Australian Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission tentative report. The Commission recommended South Australia establish a storage facility for high level nuclear waste from overseas.
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What they said...
'I know that some people are worried about safety and the environment whilst others see the economic opportunities. This is why, before the Government decides, we want South Australians to understand the choices and to be able to put their perspective on this issue'
Jay Weatherill, premier of South Australia
'Spending by Premier Jay Weatherill on his nuclear frolic is already out of control with the cost of the community consultation process almost doubling in the space of just four months'
Steven Marshall, leader of the Liberal Opposition in South Australia
The issue at a glance
On November 14, 2016, the South Australian premier, Jay Weatherill, issued a media release announcing that there would be a referendum to determine whether the state would proceed with a nuclear waste storage facility.
On May 6, 2016, the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission recommended that South Australia establish such a facility.
The South Australian government then established a public education and consultation process involving two citizens' juries and informal meetings at more than 100 sites across the state which received feedback on key issues identified by the first citizens' jury.
After the second citizens' jury rejected the proposed facility, the Premier announced that there would be a referendum on the issue.
Critics have argued that the community's view of the proposed nuclear waste storage facility is already clear and that the government should simply abandon the project. Others have claimed that there is still no obvious consensus and that the referendum is needed to further the education process and to determine what the whole state actually wants.