2016/06: Should tourists be permitted to climb Uluru?
Introduction to the media issue
Video clip at right:
A 2012 Sky News report of calls to ban climbing Uluru after a national parks survey indicates declining numbers of tourists are interested in doing so. If you cannot see this clip, it will be because video is blocked by your network. To view the clip, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows viewing of video clips.
What they said...
'We ask you to respect our law by not climbing Uluru'
Part of a sign erected at Uluru indicating the attitude of the traditional owners, the Anangu
'That would see a great opportunity for local Anangu to participate in a lucrative business and create much-needed local jobs on that culturally significant site'
Northern Territory Chief Minister, Adam Giles, commenting in April, 2016, on the advantages of encouraging the climbing of Uluru
The issue at a glance
On April 12, 2016, a spokesperson for the federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, stated that the government had 'no plans to change current arrangements' under which tourists are able to climb Uluru, despite this appearing to violate the wishes of the traditional owners.
Traditional owner Vince Forrester has been reported stating that he was 'very disappointed' the government would continue to allow tourists to climb Uluru, which he described as 'the soul of the country'.
The position appears less than clear, as the Northern Territory's Chief Minister, Adam Giles, stated on April 19, 2016, 'It appears that the federal government is yet again considering placing a total and permanent ban on climbing Uluru. The first point to make about this ludicrous suggestion is that this should be a decision for Territorians, not for bureaucrats in Canberra.'
Mr Giles further stated, 'I believe we should explore the idea of creating a climb with stringent safety conditions and rules enforcing spiritual respect, that will be endorsed, supported and even managed by the local Aboriginal community.' He also suggested, 'Allowing the Uluru climb will help visitors better understand the unique indigenous culture and the significance for the Anangu.'
Mr Giles's proposal does not appear to have met with the support of Anangu representatives.