
Right: Columbia University art student Emma Sulkowicz accused a fellow student of rape, but, after the Columbia disciplinary committee dismissed the complaint, Sulkowicz began carrying a mattress around the campus with her, as a protest and as part of an art project.

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Background information

Rapist shaming
Rapist shaming is primarily an on-line development. Victims of sexual assault name their alleged attackers publicly through some media outlet, usually online. Sometimes commentators or broadcasters also name alleged rapists.
Rapist shaming is a response to two phenomena. One is the difficulty of achieving a successful prosecution in rape cases. The other is the tendency to blame victims of sexual assault for the crimes committed against them. Typically, women who feel the system has failed them are using the Internet to name their alleged rapists or attackers, as part of a growing trend some have referred to as digital vigilantism. Women have named their rapists on Facebook, on Twitter, on Tumblr and other sites.
Opponents of the practice argue that it undermines the rights of those publicly accused of these sexual assaults. Defenders claim that even with growing public awareness and some reforms the legal system remains loaded against those who make accusations of sexual assault and that rapist shaming is one way of redressing the imbalance.

Victim blaming
Victim blaming occurs when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially responsible for the harm that befell them. The study of victimology seeks to mitigate the perception of victims as responsible. There is a greater tendency to blame victims of rape than victims of robbery if victims and perpetrators know each other.
Sexual assault victims experience stigmatization based on rape myths. A female rape victim is especially stigmatized in patrilineal cultures with strong customs and taboos regarding sex and sexuality. For example, a society may view a female rape victim (especially one who was previously a virgin) as "damaged". Victims in these cultures may suffer isolation, physical and psychological abuse, slut-shaming, public humiliation rituals, be disowned by friends and family, be prohibited from marrying, be divorced if already married, or even be killed. However, even in many developed countries, including some sectors of United States society, misogyny remains culturally ingrained.
One example of a sexist allegation against female victims of sexual assault is that wearing provocative clothing stimulates sexual aggression in men who believe that women wearing body-revealing clothes are actively trying to seduce a sexual partner. Such accusations against victims stem from the assumption that sexually revealing clothing conveys consent for sexual actions, irrespective of wilful verbal consent. Research has yet to prove that attire is a significant causal factor in determining who is assaulted.
Victim blaming is also exemplified when a victim of sexual assault is found at fault for performing actions which reduce their ability to resist or refuse consent, such as consuming alcohol. Victim advocacy groups and medical professionals are educating young adults on the definition of consent, and the importance of refraining from victim blaming. Most institutions have adopted the concept of affirmative consent and that refraining from sexual activity while under the influence is the safest choice.
In efforts to discredit alleged sexual assault victims in court, a defence attorney may delve into an accuser's personal history, a common practice that also has the purposeful effect of making the victim so uncomfortable they choose not to proceed. This attack on character, especially one pointing out promiscuity, makes the argument that women who lead "high risk" lifestyles (promiscuity, drug use) are not real victims of rape.