2017/11: Rapist shaming: should alleged rapists be named online?
Introduction to the media issue
Video clip at right:
On August 4, 2017, the ABC televised the comments of a woman enduring the process of having her rape allegations tested in court. Her experiences were treated in a Radio National Background Briefing on rapist shaming. If you cannot see this clip, it will be because video is blocked by your network. To view the clip, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows viewing of video clips.
What they said...
'It's almost like taking back the power, taking back whatever you can to push against the system that isn't working'
Sydney journalist Lauren Ingram, explaining her decision to name her alleged rapist on Twitter
'I made up those lies about him to get attention while I was going through a difficult period in my life...I publicly retract my statements about Conor Oberst, and sincerely apologize to him, his family, and his fans for writing such awful things about him'
A woman who had made false rape accusations online retracting her allegations
The issue at a glance
On August 6, 2017, Radio National's Background Briefing broadcast a program titled 'Rape shaming: Why some women are naming their alleged attackers online'.
The program detailed the growing phenomena of women making online accusations of sexual assault, often naming their alleged assailants.
The program interviewed supposed victims who had 'outed' their claimed rapists and included comments from police advising against the practice. It focused on a claim made by Sydney journalist, Lauren Ingram.
On June 18, 2015, Ingram, had named on Twitter a man she claimed had raped her on April 25, 2015. The man had been a member of and an official for the New South Wales Greens.
Ingram claims that the Greens were slow to act against him and that the police have not investigated her case effectively. One officer, she states, has made inappropriate remarks about her assault.
Ingram has further claimed that her Twitter post was a response to her inability to gain appropriate redress by any other means.
The naming of alleged rapists online, in England and elsewhere, has been a growing practice since at least 2010, when it was advocated by feminist Germaine Greer. It forms part of the debate currently occurring in Britain as to whether those accused of sexual assault should have their names published prior to having been charged with the offence.
There are those who argue that the names of alleged rapists should remain unpublicised even after charges have been laid.