Right: A poster advocating a Yes vote in the 1916 plebiscite on conscription. Despite the efforts of those advocating compulsory war service, the voters said No.
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Background information
The information contained below on representative democracy was drawn from the Museum of Australian Democracy site under the heading 'Australian democracy: an overview' and can be accessed in full at
The information on direct democracy was taken from the Wikipedia entry titled 'Direct democracy' and can be accessed in full at
The information on plebiscites and referenda has largely been drawn from 'A quick guide to plebiscites in Australia', posted on the site of the Parliament of Australia on June 30, 2011. The full text can be accessed at
The information dealing with the postal vote has largely been taken from the Wikipedia entry titled 'Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey'. The full text can be accessed at
Representative democracy
Australia is a representative democracy. In this political system, eligible people vote for candidates to carry out the business of governing on their behalf.
The Constitution defines the Parliament of Australia as the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Parliament, comprised of the House of Representatives and the Senate, is the basis of Australia's tradition of responsible government. In addition to making laws, Parliament holds ministers and the government accountable for their actions. Ministers must be members of the Commonwealth Parliament and regularly answer questions about their portfolios asked by other members.
The government is accountable to the people primarily through the ballot box. Parliamentary elections are held every three years and governments and representatives deemed unsatisfactory can be removed from office.
Direct democracy
In a direct democracy the decisions are not taken by representatives. All decisions are voted on by the people. When a budget or law needs to be passed, then the idea goes to the people. Large governments rarely make decisions this way. Referenda are an example of direct democracy with a system of representative government. Plebiscites and postal votes have elements of direct democracy but as their outcomes do not bind the government serve to allow the electorate potentially increased influence rather than direct power.
A plebiscite is a vote by citizens on a matter of national significance which does not affect the Constitution. Plebiscites are normally advisory, and do not compel a government to act on the outcome. A plebiscite might be used to obtain electors' views on contentious issues, for example military conscription, or choosing a new Australian flag.
Only the Australian parliament can authorise the holding of a plebiscite. Before a national plebiscite can take place, an enabling bill proposing the plebiscite and setting out its purpose must be passed by parliament. The bill thereby becomes an Act enabling a vote to be conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission.
There have only been three national plebiscites in Australia:
1916: military service conscription (defeated)
1917: reinforcement of the Australian Imperial Force overseas (defeated)
1977: choice of Australia's national song ('Advance Australia Fair' preferred.)
For a proposal put to the electorate via a plebiscite to be passed requires only a simple majority. Plebiscites are not referred to within the Australian Constitution. It is up to the government proposing the plebiscite whether it is compulsory for all registered voters to participate. The capacity of government to make such voting compulsory
A referendum is also a popular vote on a significant issue. Referenda are required under the Australian Constitution whenever a government proposes a law that affects the Constitution. For example, if a government were to propose that Australia become a republic rather than a constitutional monarchy this would have to be put to the electorate via a referendum.
Governments have to act on the outcome of a referendum. For a referendum proposal to succeed it must win the majority of votes nationally and also win in a majority of the states. This is called a 'double majority'. Since Federation there have been 44 proposals for constitutional change put to Australian electors at referenda. Only eight have been approved.
Postal surveys
The only time this means of gauging popular opinion on an issue has been used in Australia to this point was regarding changing the Marriage Act to allow same-sex marriage.
The Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey was a national survey that gauged support for legalising same-sex marriage in Australia. The survey was held via the postal service between 12 September and 7 November 2017.
Unlike voting in elections and referendums, which is compulsory in Australia, responding to the survey was voluntary. The outcome of the survey was not binding on the government, though the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, had promised that his government would attempt to change the Marriage Act if the electorate supported that action via its vote.
A survey form, instructions, and a reply-paid envelope were mailed out by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to every person on the federal electoral roll, asking the question "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" The ABS outlined processes to ensure eligible Australians lacking access to post could participate
79.5% of registered voters participated. 61.6% voted in favour of changing the Marriage Act to allow same-sex couples to marry. 38.4% voted against the change.