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Arguments against schools staying open
1. Young people are not immune to the virus
Those who argue that schools should be closed during the current coronavirus epidemic note that contrary to claims made by some of their opponents, children are not only capable of contracting the virus, they may become seriously ill.
On March 16, 2020, Maria Van Kerkhove, the COVID-19 technical lead at the World Health Organisation, said in a press conference, 'We can't say universally that it's mild in children, so it's important that we protect children as a vulnerable population.'
Also, on March 16, 2020, the medical journal Pediatrics published a report by Chinese epidemiologists on the effect of COVID-19 on children who caught the virus. The researchers analysed 2,143 cases of children under 18 that were reported to the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of February 8, 2020. About half of the children had mild symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, cough, congestion and possibly nausea or diarrhea. More than a third - about 39 percent - became moderately sick, with additional symptoms including pneumonia or lung problems revealed by CT scan, but with no obvious shortness of breath. About 4 percent had no symptoms at all. However, there were 125 children - nearly 6 percent- who developed very serious illness, and one 14-year-old boy with confirmed coronavirus infection died. Thirteen of those were considered 'critical,' on the brink of respiratory or organ failure. The others were classified as 'severe' because they had dire respiratory problems.
It has further been suggested that the incidence of infection among children in some Western countries may be higher than that reported in China. Dr. Andrea Cruz, an associate professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine, 'The age pyramid in China is really different than the U.S. - they have a lot fewer kids than we do. You've had a lot of under-testing in children because the focus has been on adults. It's likely we've been underestimating the disease burden in kids.'
More recent data about COVID-19 in youth supports early findings that children and teenagers tend to have a less severe course of illness than adults and do not always have the same cough and fever symptoms that adults do. However, it has also been revealed that the illness can lead to hospitalisation and, in rare cases, death, according to new research from the United States Center for Disease Control's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Among the 291 children in the United States study where data was available to the researchers on symptoms, 73 percent of children experienced severe, cough or shortness of breath, compared to 93 percent of cases in adults between ages 18-64. Fever occurred in 56 percent of children, compared to 71 percent of adults, and just over half the children (54 percent) had a cough, compared to 80 percent of adults.
It has further been noted that children who are immunocompromised or have other cardiac, metabolic, or respiratory problems are also at higher risk of complications from Covid-19, just as they would be from other infections.
On April 1, 2020, 7 News published a report on fatalities among young people with coronavirus in England, France and the United States. None was reported as having other underlying conditions. In the case of a 16-year-old French fatality, treatment response to the patient's condition was delayed by misdiagnosis. In the case of one 19-year-old English sufferer, though he was known to have the disease he was not taken to hospital until he was an emergency and died half an hour later. The mother of the French victim stated, 'From the start, we were told that the virus doesn't affect young people. We believed it, like everyone else.'
England's chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has stated, 'It is clear that children get this disease much less strongly than adults, I think the data on that is pretty strong now, and it certainly is the case that the majority of those that end up dying sadly are people who tend to be either in the later part of their lives, usually quite elderly, or those with pre-existing health conditions.
But there are also some young people who have ended up in intensive care or who have ended up with severe disease around the world. I think it's important that we don't give the impression that every single person who is young and healthy is just going to breeze through this.'
2. Young people can spread the virus to others in a school setting and then to the wider community
Those who argue that children should generally not remain at school contend that even though their symptoms are usually less severe, they can contract the virus from each other and then spread it to family members and increase its spread within the broader community.
Proponents of school closures have warned that even if not very sick themselves, infected children could still be contagious. A study of 36 pediatric cases in China published in the Lancet at the end of March 2020 found that half of the infected children showed no obvious signs of the disease, making them 'covert' spreaders of the pathogen. Critics have argued that this makes children particularly dangerous as transmitters of the disease as there may be no obvious indication that they are unwell. The Lancet report concluded infected children showing no clinical signs of disease are both difficult, and important, to find and isolate to stop the pandemic spreading. The report states, 'The proportion of asymptomatic cases indicates the difficulty in identifying pediatric patients without clear epidemiological information. This finding suggests a dangerous situation if community acquired infections occur.'
Ralph Baric, professor of microbiology and immunology at the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has studied coronaviruses for decades, and concludes, 'You may have mild disease spreaders that would be feeding sort of a community outbreak and they don't go to hospital because they don't feel that bad.'
Recent findings released by the United States Center for Disease Control, based on analysis of more than 2500 American children and teenagers with COVID-19, emphasise the importance of 'social distancing and everyday preventive behaviors among children [because] patients with less serious illness and those without symptoms likely play an important role in disease transmission.' The findings also suggest that closing schools preemptively may play a substantial role in reducing overall community transmission.
On March 17, 2020, almost 2,500 doctors sent an open letter to the federal health minister, Greg Hunt, urging him to recommend that Australian schools close. The letter stated, 'We should immediately recommend a three to four-week closure of schools, cultural and religious places including places of worship, gyms and leisure centres, pubs, bars, theatres, cinemas and concert halls.'
On March 19, 2020, a series of readers, posting comments on the Sydney Morning Herald site, agreed with the doctors' recommendation. One stated, 'Children may not get sick, or as sick, as older people but they can still carry the virus to their parents and grandparents with innocent hugs and kisses. A school is a "gathering" and permits transmission of disease. Schools should be closed for a period of time to "flatten out the curve" and quite possibly prevent the deaths of older people. And don't forget the health of the teachers, working in close proximity to their little charges.'
Another reader made a similar point, referring to the health risk posed to teachers. The post stated, 'Why is that we are asking many public servants to work from home, but teachers are asked to continue working in a seemingly higher risk environment - particularly primary schools where there are young children who have no sense of social distancing and less understanding of personal hygiene?'
There have also been reports that some schools are concerned about a shortage of cleaning supplies and toilet paper, and that teachers are anxious that students, parents or their coworkers may be carriers or that they themselves could unknowingly expose others.
Lea Lockwood, a parent and English teacher in Bendigo, Victoria, stated, 'We were all quite anxious about it. Teachers were wearing gloves and we were washing our hands constantly.'
Queensland Teachers Union President, Kevin Bates, has stated, 'There have been very real issues with schools accessing those basic sanitisation processes, which is adding to the anger and frustration teachers and parents are feeling.' Bates concluded, 'Some of our schools are as large as 3,500 students and it's counter-intuitive to be leaving them open at a time when we're limiting gatherings across other parts of the community.'
3. It is extremely difficult to maintain infection control provisions in schools
Critics of schools remaining open argue that the numbers involved, the relative immaturity of students and the nature of the physical setting make it impossible to guard against the spread of infection.
In an article published in The Guardian on March 21, 2020, one secondary teacher in Sydney's Sutherland shire noted, 'The kids are literally just going about their days as usual, moving between classes, sharing desks, sharing pens, it's physically impossible to enforce the social distancing the government has been talking about but there's been no attempt to even try. It's almost like the stance is, there's nothing we can do, what is the point of even trying.
It's really so weird going home and watching ABC news, seeing how serious it is, watching the other measures being taken in other workplaces and yet we're just told to keep going as if nothing is happening.'
Another teacher from Melbourne's northern suburbs has stated, 'We're being told to try to keep the kids apart from each other, but a lot of the kids struggle to take it seriously.'
One mother who has withdrawn her children aged five and eight out of their Brisbane primary school has claimed, 'My kid's school has 1,100 students plus staff and I've done volunteer work there and I've seen what happens on a normal day. Kids that age are not big on hygiene, there's not much hand-washing going on.'
It has been noted that the simple immaturity of young people makes it difficult to regulate their behaviour when they are brought together in large numbers. In an article published in The Australian on March 18, 2020, it was noted, 'There have been reports of kids playing coronavirus-themed tag in the playground, while one �Victorian secondary school had to sternly remind its students this week of acceptable behavioural standards after learning some older children had been deliberately coughing and spitting on others.'
New South Wales Teachers Federation president, Angelo Gavrielatos, has explained that most public schools have more than 100 students, the maximum allowed in an enclosed space under government guidelines. The size of classrooms makes it impossible to ensure children are able to maintain the one person per four square metre measures.
Gavrielatos further stated, 'Having decided to keep schools open the government has failed to provide clarity in order to ensure that health and safety requirements can be met.'
In March 2020, the Australian Education Union wrote to the federal cabinet stating schools were reporting shortages of soap, alcohol-based sanitisers, toilet paper, tissues and 'infrastructure such as enough sinks and hygiene areas for staff and students to access frequently and systematically'. It also raised concerns about the government's edict for schools to practice social distancing, saying it was 'practically impossible' for students and staff to adhere to 1.5m distances in classroom settings.
In News GP on March 21, 2020, Dr Wendy Burton and Dr Kat McLean made a series of suggestions as to what schools should do in order to prevent the transmission of coronavirus among students. These included, 'We recommend handwashing or cleaning before students come into the classroom. As a teacher of children, you know you will need to keep an eye on this process. We also suggest using alcohol gel as they enter or sit down and before eating, and handwashing (as usual) after going to the toilet. Every time...No sharing of food and drinks. No communal meals, for now, including no shared platters of fruit. Proper handwashing takes 20 seconds. You can get creative with some favourite songs or new words to old tunes, and time the kids for 20 seconds. Surfaces will need to be wiped regularly, at least twice a day: door handles, desks, shared equipment, computers (especially if they have touch screens), keyboards, tablets, your phone, etc.' Critics argue that maintaining these standards for all children, in schools with hundreds of students, is not feasible.
4. Provisions can be put in place to allow young people to continue their education
Those who argue that schools should be closed in order to control COVID-19 claim that students will be able to continue their education remotely.
Several private schools and some state and territory governments have assured parents and students that their education program will be able to continue despite school closures.
On March 26, 2020, The Australian published an article noting, 'Private schools are successfully moving to online learning systems, ensuring their students continue learning, but without the risks posed by mass gatherings at school.' Professor of politics and public policy at the University of Western Australia and Griffith University, Peter Van Onselen noted, 'This week alone I have watched my girls doing physical education online, continue their music classes, including playing their instruments in one-on-one tutorials, and participate in classroom discussions led by their teachers using Zoom. All the while also being assigned "homework", which I had a bit of a laugh at, and completing assignments during individual learning time...They have also been regularly in contact with their friends, via FaceTime and other means, when doing group work.'
Though generally without the range of provisions and depth of resources available within many private schools, state and territory education departments have prepared to instruct remotely.
The Victorian government has announced the provisions it will make to ensure students have the technological support they need to pursue their studies online during Term 2, 2020. On April 7, 2020, the premier's department issued a media release stating, 'To ensure more kids can learn from home, the Government will loan more than 6,000 laptops and tablets to students who don't have access to digital technologies. Schools will also distribute other classroom devices as required to ensure all students who do not have access to a laptop or tablet at home will be provided one.
Internet access should not determine a child's access to education - so we will deliver free SIM cards or dongles to thousands of students at government schools who need them the most. This includes an agreement with Telstra to provide 4000 SIM cards for government primary and secondary school students. The Government has also purchased an extra 1000 SIM-enabled dongle devices.
Priority for the SIM cards and dongles will be given to senior secondary students, students in bushfire affected areas, and families who cannot afford an internet connection at home.'
The Victorian government has also indicated that the necessary changes will be made to assessments and programs to allow senior students particularly to complete their course and gain their qualifications. On April 7, the government further announced, 'VCE students will still receive an ATAR score, but there will be a number of changes to the academic timetable for VCE and VCAL students. The GAT test will move from June to October or November End of year exams will be postponed until at least December. School based assessment tasks will be reduced where possible to relieve some pressure on students as they move to remote and flexible learning arrangements. Universities will be asked to delay the start of the 2021 university year to account for impacts of coronavirus on senior secondary students.'
The Victorian premier, Daniel Andrews, has stated, it was likely to be 'a longer year' than expected with exams set to be held in December. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority is looking at a smaller end-of-year exam schedule, including shortening the length of exams.
In the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), state schools used pupil-free days in the lead-up to the Term 1 holiday to prepare for remote learning the following term. Education minister, Yvette Berry, stated, 'What teachers and school staff will be doing is preparing to move to a different kind of learning, using all of the online opportunities that we have in the ACT.' Ms Berry explained that the pupil free days would give schools and teachers time to prepare for a 'range of learning delivery options, including online, similar to how distance education is provided in remote areas.
5. Provision can be made to care for the children of essential workers and those in vulnerable situations
Those who argue that schools should be closed to help control the spread of coronavirus claim that provision can still be made to care for the children of essential workers.
It has been noted that in other countries when schools have closed it has been possible to provide care for vulnerable children and the children of key workers, such as those involved in health care. When Britain's schools were closed, on March 20, 2020, the prime minister, Boris Johnson, announced that schools would still need to look after the children of key workers and the most vulnerable pupils. The list of workers whose children would continue to be accepted within British schools includes frontline health workers such as doctors and nurses, some teachers and social workers, workers in key public services including those essential to the justice system, religious staff and public service journalists, local and national government workers deemed crucial to delivering essential public services, workers involved in food production processing, distribution, sale and delivery, public safety workers including police, armed forces personnel, firefighters and prison staff, essential air, water, road and rail transport workers, and utilities, communication and financial services staff, including postal workers and waste disposal workers.
British Education secretary, Gavin Williamson, has said, 'Vulnerable children include those who have a social worker and those with educational health and care plans.'
Schools across Europe have also been closed to protect children and prevent the spread of coronavirus, but some school facilities remain open for children of health and public service workers. Belgium and Norway announced provisions requiring certain school facilities to continue running to help look after children whose parents are crucial in healthcare, transport and other essential industries.
In Australia, the Victorian government has indicated that schools will be open for children of essential workers who cannot stay home. It has stated, 'On-site learning will only be available for children whose parents can't work from home and vulnerable students without access to a suitable learning environment at home.'
Toward the end of Term 1, the Queensland Education Department similarly announced, 'Schools will continue to provide supervision for children of essential services workers and vulnerable children including those in out of home care, students with disabilities who do not have medical complications and children for whom no other appropriate care arrangements are available - for example if both parents are working and their child could be at school and supervised.'
On April 1, 2020, the West Australian Education Department issued a media release stating, 'Children of parents who need their children to attend school to enable them to maintain employment, and those children in vulnerable families, such as children living with grandparents, are encouraged to continue to attend school.'
Similarly, Australian Capital Territory (ACT) public schools are now largely pupil-free; however, they have stayed open for children of essential workers. In Term 2, small number of schools across the ACT will be open to students, but they are not yet known. Children from multiple schools will be consolidated into several 'hub schools' across Canberra. Parents would need to register their intent to send their children to school if they were unable to learn from home. ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry has indicated that the majority of learning in Term 2 would be done remotely and there would be no caps on the number of students able to attend classrooms in person.
Those parents encouraged to send their children to school in Australia and are a larger group than those in England which has imposed a more severe lockdown, restricting the number of types of employment that can continue to operate.