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Further implications

There remain significant uncertainties regarding the restricted attendance being encouraged at schools across Australia and the extent to which remote education will be effective for students.
The Victorian Education Department has stated, 'The message to students and parents of government schools is clear: all children who can learn at home must learn from home - with exceptions only in extremely limited circumstances.' The statement further indicates, 'On-site learning will only be available for children whose parents can't work from home and vulnerable students without access to a suitable learning environment at home.' This definition of those students who will be educated 'on-site' is very similar to that offered by the prime minister, Scott Morrison, when he stated that everyone in a job was in essential employment and should be able to send their children to school. Only time will tell how many pupils will seek 'on-site' education when Term 2 begins for students in Victoria on April 15.
The success of social distancing within schools will be dependent on a significant number of students remaining at home. Under its social distancing requirements, the Victorian Education Department now requires 'a maximum number of 10 children in a room [and] a minimum teacher-to-student ratio of 1:8 to ensure staff can assist their colleagues with breaks, relief and other support where required. This staffing ratio can include the use of relevant support staff. Where possible, staff and students should endeavour to keep 1.5 metres distance from each other. Based on a room size of 40 square meters, a room should have no more than 10 occupants at any given time. Occupancy rates may be adjusted for larger room sizes, as long as there is no more than one occupant per four square meters of floor space.'
Under normal circumstances classrooms have a maximum of 25 students. In 2016 the average class size in Victorian schools was 21.2 students and the student/teacher ratio was 12.5. Approximately half schools' full enrolment will need to learn remotely if the recommended class sizes and ratios are to be achieved.
The Victorian education minister, James Merlino, has indicated that the government has no plan to enforce restrictions regarding children attending school in Term 2, preferring to trust parents to follow the 'crystal clear' advice that students should stay home if they can.
Some Victorian principals have expressed concern that the restriction will not be adhered to and that as the term progressive larger numbers of children will attend on-site. Australian Principals' Federation president, Julie Podbury, has stated, 'So, while schools are kept open for the children of essential workers or for vulnerable children and limited staff are available to monitor them in the school, this might soon change, unless monitored carefully and restrictions enforced.'
There is also inevitable uncertainty as to how well the new remote learning provisions will work. The Victorian education minister, James Merlino, has stated, 'What we are asking parents to do is trust their schools, trust their teachers, because there will be some things that will work and not work, including technology. The guidance is there, the resources and support are there but there will be things that we will need to tweak along the way, inevitably.'
With regard to private schools they are now being compelled to also supply mixed provision, that is, both online and on-site education. Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan has issued a binding legal directive to non-government schools to open their doors for any students who could not learn from home, tying the directive to Commonwealth funding. Thus, any non-government school which does not make on-site tuition available to those students who seek it will cease to receive federal government funding. Expected levels of attendance are therefore also an issue for non-government schools. However, their level of preparedness and access to the technology needed to supply online tuition is likely to be greater.